Biolog à jour* is an initiative to attract people to nature, with the goal of arousing curiosity and inspiring people to go on outdoor excursions and seek recreation in nature or their gardens. Biolog à jour also offers services in landscape conservation, with emphasis on the restoration and preservation of old original gardens, and how to make your garden more organic in harmony with Earth.

The driving force behind this activity is Ulrika Ridbäck, a Philosophie Doctor in landscape management and formerly active biologist at, among others, the Swedish Museum of Natural History and Naturum Gotland. Follow me on Instagram @biolog.ajour to learn more about me and my passion for Earth and photography.

*à jour  /aˈɧuːr/ "updated ... Well-informed in an area, recent development or state of knowledge" (sv.wiktionary.org/wiki/ Accessed 08.11.2017).

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